
Plan­ning and rea­lizati­on of com­ple­te plants

You have the idea, we plan and implement.

Our spe­cia­lists plan and imple­ment com­ple­te plants from the quo­ta­ti­on pha­se to com­mis­sio­ning and cer­ti­fi­ca­ti­on of the plant. The con­ti­nuous deve­lo­p­ment of exi­sting plants and opti­mizati­ons are also part of our spe­cial­ty. Through the coöpe­ra­ti­on of various part­ners we try to pro­vi­de the opti­mal solu­ti­on for the cus­to­mer. Spe­cial empha­sis is put on the eco­no­mic effi­ci­en­cy of the solution.

Our engi­nee­ring solu­ti­ons include: