Wel­ding work

Latest wel­ding tech­no­lo­gy and hig­hest quality

Wel­ding work of the hig­hest quality.

Our cer­ti­fi­ed wel­ding spe­cia­lists meet the requi­re­ments and have the expe­ri­ence to per­form wel­ding work of the hig­hest quality.

Whe­ther manu­al or auto­ma­ted wel­ding pro­ces­ses, we own num­e­rous modern faci­li­ties and a Orbi­tal wel­ding machi­ne, through the inter­nal qua­li­fi­ed wel­ding super­vi­si­on is gua­ran­teed the hig­hest quality.

Certified Welding

Zertifizierte Schweissarbeiten

Hig­hest seam quality

The TIG/WIG pro­cess enables the finest weld seams to be made on clean sur­faces. The wel­ding spe­cia­list can dose exact­ly how much addi­tio­nal fusi­on mate­ri­al he wants to add, resul­ting in opti­mum seam quality.

Thanks to the forming gas tech­no­lo­gy, tar­nish insi­de the work­pie­ces can be avo­ided, ensu­ring cor­ro­si­on resistance.

By means of opti­mum dosing of the inter­nal gas pres­su­re, root smoot­hing of the weld seam can be produced.

Every wel­ding pro­cess is documented

The docu­men­ta­ti­on of the wel­ding seams accor­ding to an iso­me­try, as well as Ferit mea­su­re­ments belong to our standard.

Our inter­nal wel­ding super­vi­sor (IWS= Inter­na­tio­nal Wel­ding Spe­cia­list) with a fede­ral cer­ti­fi­ca­te of pro­fi­ci­en­cy, ensu­res con­si­stent qua­li­ty tail­o­red to the customer.

Appli­ca­ti­on areas

TIG orbi­tal wel­ding pro­ces­ses are main­ly used in the fol­lo­wing areas:

  • Pipe to pipe connections
  • Pipe fit­ting connections
  • Pipe-in-flo­or connections

Our work­shop